Wednesday 8 December 2010

Been a while

I am no blogger, and so I wont be updating daily. However I will pop in from time to time when I have something interesting to say.

Incidentally, no, I don't have anything interesting to say so I will probably end up prattling on about something or other.

Well, the weather is pretty aweful, sitting at -3 outside, it has caused the whole country to collapse to a halt. Uni has been shut for the last three days, pretty crap seeing as how I have assignments due for next week, but ah well.

I recently realised how obscure some of my favourite bands are. Anyone heard of Delain? Echoes of Eternity? Velvet Seal? Check them out, they are pretty awesome.

Not long left before Uni closes for the christmas, and I try to get home for a while. Don't see it happening as things are at the moment, maybe if there is a thaw over the next few's hoping.

Well, not written much, but ah well, this will do.

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