Wednesday 8 December 2010

Been a while

I am no blogger, and so I wont be updating daily. However I will pop in from time to time when I have something interesting to say.

Incidentally, no, I don't have anything interesting to say so I will probably end up prattling on about something or other.

Well, the weather is pretty aweful, sitting at -3 outside, it has caused the whole country to collapse to a halt. Uni has been shut for the last three days, pretty crap seeing as how I have assignments due for next week, but ah well.

I recently realised how obscure some of my favourite bands are. Anyone heard of Delain? Echoes of Eternity? Velvet Seal? Check them out, they are pretty awesome.

Not long left before Uni closes for the christmas, and I try to get home for a while. Don't see it happening as things are at the moment, maybe if there is a thaw over the next few's hoping.

Well, not written much, but ah well, this will do.

Sunday 5 December 2010


Voice of Little Reason. Why did I pick this as a title? Well, a couple of reasons. Firstly I am crap at choosing names, secondly, I tend to prattle on a lot. Thirdly, as I have been told I give out good advice (though I would disagree) it seems like a funny play on words.

Now, who am I? Well, names are a good place to start right? I am known on my birth certificate as Andrew, but to my friends that can be changed to Akai or Strang. Online I have been known by a few names. Shrike, Xenomemphate, and Ossai to name the ones I can remember. I am 19, currently in Uni studying Computer Animation with Game Design in Paisley. Pretty awesome course if you ask me, though programming is pretty damn difficult.

Now, I am Scottish through and through, as well as being a staunch Rangers supporter (Oh god, football).

With all the boring stuff out of the way I guess you want to know what I enjoy doing/listening to/playing/eating(?)

Well, my hobbies currently include procrastinating, playing the drums, modelling, and writing (Though I don't tend to have a lot of inspiration for fiction, so don't expect a lot of work to come from my corner). I want to learn to play guitar soon though, but I need a guitar to do that...

Listening to? Well, that is a very broad subject, and it is probably easier to name what I don't like rather than what I do. I harbour a strong dislike for RnB, Hip Hop, Rap, and Pop music, but I have been known to enjoy everything else. I tend to obsess over one band for a while, before moving on, and so my musical library is incredibly large (25000 files at last check) and yes, I do own most of these on CD as well. I love music, always have, and always will. It is the one consistent thing I have always had to escape to.

Playing? Well, I am an avid gamer, of all sorts. Board games, tabletop, computer, you name it. Yes, I have been called a geek and it used to hurt, but you know what? I don't give a shit anymore, call me whatever you want, because the only people whose opinion I care about are my friends. Currently I play a lot of FPS and RTS games, but love my JRPGs (not so keen on WRPGs though...Dragon age, KOTOR, Deus Ex, and the Elder Scrolls are about it). Table top I only play Warhammer (both fantasy and 40K). Board games? Well, set one up and I will happily give it a try, though Risk and Chess are my current favourites.

Eating? Well, I only added that in because it was amusing, but ah well, might as well continue with it. I am a great enjoyer of Italian and Mexican food. Love Haggis. I will eat just about anything though.

Well, with that I have probably bored all my watchers to death by now, so I think I shall end there. Short and sweet eh? Night.