Sunday 26 June 2011

Tattoo ideas

Well, it is my birthday soon. The big two oh. As such I aim to get something that will last me my lifetime and I know exactly what it is I want. You should as well judging by the title of the blog xD

Now onto designs. I am very interested in the viking mythology, as well as being a celt. As such my first will be the following:

This is the tri horn of odin, and represents knowledge and skill (he disguised himself and worked as a farmer for three days so he could get a drink of magical mead) with a celtic insert.

Second is the Hammer of Thor (Mjolnir) and is representative of inner strength, of which I know I have and is a reminder of all the hard times I have fought through.


  1. I'm tempted to say go for the Tri-Horn myself... The Hammer's good but sorta plain. I like the meaning behind both, but I think Tri-Horn looks more awesome.

    Go for what you feel is right!

  2. I am getting both, one for each shoulder. :p
